In the v1, the request and response were specifically defined and read via -
var input = request.body.queryResult;
In the v2, the request and response, both are wrapped inside the 'app'. My declarations of app are as below -
const {dialogflow} = require('actions-on-google');
const app = dialogflow({clientId: 'projectId'});
I have tried using the following but understood that it's not exactly the right way -
console.log(conv.request.body); //Getting undefined in console
console.log(app.request.body); //Getting undefined in console
var input = conv.request.body.queryResult;
Do I need to specifically mention request and response anywhere similar to the WebhookClient({request, response}) in V1?
Thanks in advance
After million trial and error, I finally found it and it's terribly simple
var input = conv.body.queryResult.queryText;