Search code examples

Parse Google Custom Search API Swift

I am trying to parse from the below Google Custom Search API call the fields "og:image" and "og:title" of the "metatags" array. I honestly do not know how this is possible to be done as I cannot find any resources online. I need to retrieve this information as I need to display the contents of the fields in my app. If it is not possible to parse only the "metatags" array how can it be done for the whole API? Thank you

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      "kind": "customsearch#result",
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      "title": "Swift JSON parsing array of dictionaries - Stack Overflow",
      "htmlTitle": "Swift JSON parsing array of dictionaries - Stack Overflow",
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      "snippet": "6 days ago ... Reason: products in the above JSON is not of type [[String: String]] . It is of type [[\nString: Any]] instead. That's the reason parsing is giving error.",
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            "upvotecount": "-2",
            "answercount": "2",
            "name": "Swift JSON parsing array of dictionaries",
            "text": "I am trying to parse this JSON file which returns an array of dictionaries. I mainly need to retrieve the 'barcode_number' and 'images' values of the dictionaries in order to use them in my...",
            "datecreated": "2020-02-21T12:22:11",
            "url": "share"
        "answer": [
            "upvotecount": "1",
            "text": "Reason: products in the above JSON is not of type [[String: String]]. It is of type [[String: Any]] instead. That's the reason parsing is giving error. Solution: You need to create a separate...",
            "datecreated": "2020-02-21T12:37:17",
            "url": ""
            "upvotecount": "0",
            "text": "try this: yes, it looks like a lot of work, but it wasn't. How did i do this? Easy: 1) enter your url in a webbrowser and copy the result 2) go to and enter the copy...",
            "datecreated": "2020-02-21T12:42:47",
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  • Use Codable to parse the JSON data.

    Below are the models to only parse the metaTags for items,

    struct Root: Codable {
        let items: [Item]
    struct Item: Codable {
        let pagemap: Pagemap
    struct Pagemap: Codable {
        let metatags: [Metatag]
    struct Metatag: Codable {
        let ogImage: String?
        let ogTitle: String?
        enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
            case ogImage = "og:image"
            case ogTitle = "og:title"

    Parse the data like

    do {
        let decoder = JSONDecoder()
        decoder.keyDecodingStrategy = .convertFromSnakeCase
        let response = try decoder.decode(Root.self, from: data)
        print({ ${ $0.ogImage }) }))
    } catch {