I'd like to use a script to build translations (convert from .ts to .qm, using Qt's lrelease.exe
) before compiling the resource file (QRC) where they are included. In this way I know they are always updated, not to mention to avoid including binary files in the repository.
I use Visual Studio and have installed the Qt Visual Studio Tools. Normally, I'd do this through a pre-build step in the project, but it is not being executed and the compilation of the QRC file always fails.
1>------ Build started: Project: MyApp, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
1>Rcc'ing MyApp.qrc...
1> RCC: Error in 'C:\src\MyApp\MyApp\MyApp.qrc': Cannot find file 'translations/myapp_en.qm'
1>MyApp.qrc : error 1: rcc (c:\Qt\qt_5_12_3\v141\Win32\bin\rcc.exe)
1>Done building project "MyApp.vcxproj" -- FAILED.
========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 12 up-to-date, 1 skipped ==========
The script works correctly and it is called successfully either if placed as a post-build event or from command line.
@echo off
pushd "%1"
for %%F in (*.ts) do (
c:\Qt\qt_5_12_3\v141\Win32\bin\lrelease -compress %%F -qm %%~nF.qm
exit /b 0
What I'm I doing wrong?
It happened that I was using the new Qt/MSBuild mode of Qt VS Tools. Internally it generates several hidden targets in the MSBuild workflow, which are executed before the pre-build events.
The solution was to use a custom build step instead, with some specific settings: