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loop to assign new objects names based on list in r

I'm new in reading xml files and I'm stuck trying to assign new objects names of the environment after convert them to a list.

I read 35 files of a directory and parsed them with xmlParse, of XML package. Them, I converted them into a list.

for(i in dir()){
  assign(i, xmlParse(i))}

for(i in ls()){
  assign(i, xmlToList(i))


all files are names like that:


 [1] "en_product3_146.xml" "en_product3_147.xml" "en_product3_148.xml" "en_product3_149.xml"
 [5] "en_product3_150.xml" "en_product3_152.xml" "en_product3_156.xml" "en_product3_181.xml"
 [9] "en_product3_182.xml" "en_product3_183.xml" "en_product3_184.xml" "en_product3_185.xml"
[13] "en_product3_186.xml" "en_product3_187.xml" "en_product3_188.xml" "en_product3_189.xml"
[17] "en_product3_193.xml" "en_product3_194.xml" "en_product3_195.xml" "en_product3_196.xml"
[21] "en_product3_197.xml" "en_product3_198.xml" "en_product3_199.xml" "en_product3_200.xml"
[25] "en_product3_201.xml" "en_product3_202.xml" "en_product3_203.xml" "en_product3_204.xml"
[29] "en_product3_205.xml" "en_product3_209.xml" "en_product3_212.xml" "en_product3_216.xml"
[33] "en_product3_229.xml" "en_product3_231.xml" "en_product3_233.xml"

All these files have the same structure, and i want to replace the object name to a value of these list. The path is that:


[1] "Disorder of carbohydrate metabolism"


[1] "Digestive tract malformation"

I'm having some trouble trying to assign a new name, like the code above, but I not suceed.

for(i in ls()){
assign(paste0(i,"$DisorderList$Disorder$ClassificationNodeList$ClassificationNode$ClassificationNodeChildList[5]$ClassificationNode$Disorder$Name$text"), i)}

I would be very gratefull with some tips. Thanks in advance!


  • You may need to use get() first to access the object in your environment, create the name of the new object, then use assign() to assign.

    rm(list = ls())
    # put some things in the environment
    x <- list(a = "hello", b = "world")
    y <- list(a = "hola", b = "mundo")
    z <- list(a = "bonjour", b = "monde")
    # loop through environment objects; 
    # use get() to access, and assign() to put back 
    for (i in ls()) {
      temp <- get(i)
      new_name <- temp$a
      assign(new_name, temp)
      rm(i, temp) # removes object i, not the object whose name is stored in i

    Note that with this code, you'll have two objects with different names but same content.