I'm using Rails 5. I have the following model ...
class Order < ApplicationRecord
has_many :line_items, :dependent => :destroy
The LineItem model has an attribute, "discount_applied." I would like to return all orders where there are zero instances of a line item having the "discount_applied" field being not nil. How do I write such a finder method?
Not efficient but I thought it may solve your problem:
orders = Order.includes(:line_items).select do |order|
order.line_items.all? { |line_item| line_item.discount_applied.nil? }
Instead of finding orders which all it's line items have no discount, we can exclude all the orders which have line items with a discount applied from the output result. This can be done with subquery inside where clause:
# Find all ids of orders which have line items with a discount applied:
excluded_ids = LineItem.select(:order_id)
.where.not(discount_applied: nil)
# exclude those ids from all orders:
Order.where.not(id: excluded_ids)
You can combine them in a single finder method:
Order.where.not(id: LineItem
.where.not(discount_applied: nil))
Hope this helps