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how to build java me CDC app with ant? can i build using javaSE

Hi im trying to build our java me app that works on CDC base, I have seen antenna, but cant get it to work, it seems to be geared towards CLDC, but i cant make it work, and am wondering if i need to do anything specific to make it compile a CDC app? or if there is another way to build CDC apps with ant?


  • You don't really need antenna feature, cdc app is like to JavaSe app.You could use plain ant for building cdc apps. JavaSE javac + cdc libraries is enought. F.e.

       <target name="app" >
            <mkdir dir="${}" />
            <javac  classpathref="app.cp"
                    fork="true" debug="on"
            <jar destfile="${app.jar}" basedir="${dir.compiled}" />