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How can i inject my Retrofit DataService using Dagger2

In my MVP architecture i have Retrofit Instance

public class RetrofitInstance {
    private static Retrofit retrofit;
    private static final String BASE_URL = "";

     * Create an instance of Retrofit object
     * */
    public static Retrofit getRetrofitInstance() {
        if (retrofit == null) {
            retrofit = new retrofit2.Retrofit.Builder()
        return retrofit;

And DataService for it

public interface GetNoticeDataService {
    Observable<NoticeList> getNoticeData(@Query("lat") double lat , @Query("lon") double lon );

Also i have DataInteractor which is using RxJava Observable service to call api

public class GetNoticeIntractorImpl implements MainContract.GetNoticeIntractor {
    private LatLng getloc(){
        return currentLocation;
    public void getNoticeArrayList(final OnFinishedListener onFinishedListener) {

        /** Create handle for the RetrofitInstance interface*/
        GetNoticeDataService service = RetrofitInstance.getRetrofitInstance().create(GetNoticeDataService.class);
        /** Using RxJava Observable response to handle retrofit api*/
        if(currentLocation!=null) {
            service.getNoticeData(getloc().latitude, getloc().longitude)
                            .subscribe(items -> onFinishedListener.onFinished(items.getNoticeArrayList(), items.getMain(), items.getWind()), onFinishedListener::onFailure);



Here is presenter

public class MainPresenterImpl implements MainContract.presenter, MainContract.GetNoticeIntractor.OnFinishedListener {
 private MainContract.MainView mainView;
        private MainContract.GetNoticeIntractor getNoticeIntractor;
        public MainPresenterImpl(MainContract.MainView mainView, MainContract.GetNoticeIntractor getNoticeIntractor) {
            this.mainView = mainView;
            this.getNoticeIntractor = getNoticeIntractor;

        public void onDestroy() {

            mainView = null;


        public void onRefreshButtonClick() {

            if(mainView != null){

        public void requestDataFromServer() {

        public void onFinished(ArrayList<Notice> noticeArrayList, Main main, Wind wind) {
            if(mainView != null){

        public void onFailure(Throwable t) {
            if(mainView != null){

And MainContract

public interface MainContract {
     * Call when user interact with the view and other when view OnDestroy()
     * */
    interface presenter{

        void onDestroy();

        void onRefreshButtonClick();

        void requestDataFromServer();


     * showProgress() and hideProgress() would be used for displaying and hiding the progressBar
     * while the setDataToRecyclerView and onResponseFailure is fetched from the GetNoticeInteractorImpl class
    interface MainView {

        void showProgress();

        void hideProgress();

        void setDataToRecyclerView(ArrayList<Notice> noticeArrayList, Main main, Wind wind);

        void onResponseFailure(Throwable throwable);


     * Intractors are classes built for fetching data from your database, web services, or any other data source.
    interface GetNoticeIntractor {

        interface OnFinishedListener {
            void onFinished(ArrayList<Notice> noticeArrayList, Main main, Wind wind);
            void onFailure(Throwable t);
        void getNoticeArrayList(OnFinishedListener onFinishedListener);


Adapter for MyActivity

public class NoticeAdapter extends RecyclerView.Adapter<NoticeAdapter.EmployeeViewHolder> {

    private static Wind wind;
    private static ArrayList<Notice> dataList;
    private static Main main;
    private Date currentTime = Calendar.getInstance().getTime();
    public static String date;
    private Context mContext;

    private RecyclerItemClickListener recyclerItemClickListener;
    public NoticeAdapter(ArrayList<Notice> dataList, Main main, Wind wind, RecyclerItemClickListener recyclerItemClickListener,Context context) {
        NoticeAdapter.dataList = dataList;
        NoticeAdapter.main = main;
        NoticeAdapter.wind = wind;
        this.recyclerItemClickListener = recyclerItemClickListener;

    public EmployeeViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(@NonNull ViewGroup parent, int viewType) {
        LayoutInflater layoutInflater = LayoutInflater.from(parent.getContext());
        View view = layoutInflater.inflate(R.layout.single_view_row, parent, false);
        return new EmployeeViewHolder(view);

    public void onBindViewHolder(@NonNull EmployeeViewHolder holder, @SuppressLint("RecyclerView") final int position) {
        if(getAddressMap()!=null){holder.txtNoticeAddress.setText("Loc: "+getAddressMap());}else{holder.txtNoticeAddress.setText("Loc: Unknown location");}
        holder.txtNoticeWind.setText("Wind: "+roundUp(+wind.getSpeed())+"m/s, "+arrow());
        holder.txtNoticeWeather.setText(dataList.get(position).getWeather()+" : "+dataList.get(position).getInfo());
        holder.txtNoticeTemp.setText("Feels: "+roundUp(+main.getFeelsLike())+"°C ");
        holder.txtNoticeHumidity.setText("Humidity: "+main.getHumidity()+"%");
        holder.txtNoticePressure.setText("Pressure: "+main.getPressure()+"hPa");
        holder.itemView.setOnClickListener(v -> {
            saveNoticeList(mContext,dataList); });
        holder.saveButton.setOnClickListener(v -> {
            saveNoticeList(mContext,dataList); });

    private static String getAddressMap() {
        return MapsActivity.addressMap;

    private static void setDate(String date) { = date;

    public int getItemCount() {
        return dataList.size();
    private static LatLng getloc(){
        return currentLocation;

    class EmployeeViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder {
        ImageView imageIcon;
        Button saveButton;
        TextView txtNoticeWeather, txtNoticeTempMain,txtNoticeTemp, txtNoticeHumidity,txtNoticeAddress,txtNoticePressure,txtNoticeWind,txtNoticeTime;

        EmployeeViewHolder(View itemView) {
            txtNoticeTime= itemView.findViewById(;
            txtNoticeWind= itemView.findViewById(;
            txtNoticeAddress=  itemView.findViewById(;
            txtNoticeWeather =  itemView.findViewById(;
            txtNoticeTemp =  itemView.findViewById(;
            txtNoticeHumidity =  itemView.findViewById(;
            txtNoticePressure =  itemView.findViewById(;
            txtNoticeTempMain =  itemView.findViewById(;
    private static void saveNoticeList(Context context, List<Notice> noticeList) {
        if (context != null && noticeList != null) {
            WeatherData weatherData = new WeatherData(getAddressMap(), wind.getSpeed(), wind.getDeg(), dataList.get(0).getIcon(), dataList.get(0).getInfo(), dataList.get(0).getWeather(), main.getTemp(), main.getFeelsLike(), main.getHumidity(), main.getPressure(), date, getloc().latitude, getloc().longitude);

How can i inject this DataService to my Interactor by using Dagger2? Should i use Singleton or Component or something else? I'll be glad of any kind of help.


  • I'll assume you want to keep your RetrofitInstance singleton available for now, at least until you have migrated all Retrofit uses to Dagger 2.

    In order to inject an interface, or a class whose constructor you don't control, you need to use a Module. This tells Dagger how to create instances of that class or interface given some dependencies:

    public class WebServiceModule {
        Retrofit provideRetrofit() {
            // This method tells Dagger all it needs to know about creating
            // a Retrofit instance. This will be replaced by something closer
            // to BWappsandmore's answer after RetrofitInstance is no longer needed.
            return RetrofitInstance.getRetrofitInstance();
        GetNoticeDataService provideGetNoticeDataService(Retrofit retrofit) {
            return retrofit.create(GetNoticeDataService.class);

    This module can then be included in your Component, which will in turn create any objects it knows how to create, either from modules, @BindsInstance values passed into your component factory method, or classes with @Inject constructors. Since you control your interactor's constructor, you can simply annotate it with @Inject:

    // @Reusable or @Singleton if you only need one interactor of this type.
    public class GetNoticeInteractorImpl implements MainContract.GetNoticeInteractor {
        private GetNoticeDataService service
        GetNoticeInteractorImpl(GetNoticeDataService service) {
            this.service = service;
        private LatLng getloc(){
            return currentLocation;
        public void getNoticeArrayList(final OnFinishedListener onFinishedListener) {
            // Our service was injected in the constructor, so there
            // is no need to create it here.
            // You might also consider injecting your schedulers in the future
            // for unit testing.
            if(currentLocation!=null) {
                service.getNoticeData(getloc().latitude, getloc().longitude)
                                .subscribe(items -> onFinishedListener.onFinished(items.getNoticeArrayList(), items.getMain(), items.getWind()), onFinishedListener::onFailure);
    abstract class AnotherModule { // or interface
        abstract MainContract.GetNoticeInteractor bindGetNoticeInteractor(GetNoticeInteractorImpl implementation);

    Of course, this is useless if you can't ultimately access your interactor. Since you don't even create your Activity classes, you need to request injection from a Component. In Android apps, this is typically created within the Application object in onCreate().

    @Component(modules = {WebServicesModule.class, AnotherModule.class})
    public interface AppComponent {
        interface Factory {
            AppComponent create(@BindsInstance Application application); // or whatever
        void bindMainActivity(MainActivity activity);
    // Probably not a singleton, but if you create an activity scope later, this might use that scope.
    class MainPresenter {
        public MainPresenter(MainContract.GetNoticeInteractor interactor) {
            this.getNoticeInteractor = interactor
        // ...
    class MainActivity {
        MainPresenter presenter;
        public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
            // ...
        // ...

    Now, since your MainActivity requires a MainPresenter, Dagger will create one for you when you request injection. This in turn requires a GetNoticeInteractor, which requires GetNoticeInteractorImpl, and so forth, and Dagger will take care of all of this behind the scenes.

    If your presenter's constructor requires other arguments (such as a View), it might be simpler for now for MainActivity to request injection directly into the presenter. Ultimately, you will want all of your inject(SomeClass target) methods to refer to Activities, Services, and such, since there is no other way to inject those until your minSdkVersion is 28 or higher.