We're currently setting up a Spartacus application running on CCv2 with three different enviroments (dev, stage, prod).
We are struggling to set the right OCC API Urls, within Spartacus, for the enviroment, I guess the way to go are enviroment variables, as this is Angular standard, but we couldn't find a way to match the enviroment vars to the corresponding system.
Is there something we're missing?
Thanks for your help!
The OCC baseUrl can actually be provided by CCv2 automatically. This is described in the docs.
It works like this:
, with placeholder content
<meta name="occ-backend-base-url" content="OCC_BACKEND_BASE_URL_VALUE" />
This is however the only configuration that is environment specific, the ticket referenced by Grin is indeed a feature that we like to add.