I have this ISO 8601 time period string: P0Y0M0DT3H5M0.000S and PHP7.4 fails to construct a DateInterval with it.
$d = new \DateInterval('P0Y0M0DT3H5M0.000S');
Fatal error: Uncaught Exception: DateInterval::__construct(): Unknown or bad format (P0Y0M0DT3H5M1.33S) in [...][...]:2
It fails for the milliseconds. When I omit the milliseconds -P0Y0M0DT3H5M0S- it works fine.
With milliseconds it should be a valid ISO 8601 string afaik.
According to Wikipedia this is the format:
Why doesnt PHP accept this format and how can I work around this?
You can use DateInterval::createFromDateString.
$d = DateInterval::createFromDateString('3 Hours 5 Minutes 500000 microseconds');
echo $d->format('%h Hours %m Minutes %s.%F Seconds');
//3 Hours 0 Minutes 0.500000 Seconds
The following function can be used as a workaround if an expression like P0Y0M0DT3H5M7.520S is specified.
function createDateInterval($interval_spec){
$f = 0.0;
$interval_spec = str_replace($match[0], "", $interval_spec);
$f = (float)$match[0];
$di = new \Dateinterval($interval_spec);
$di->f= $f;
return $di;
$d = createDateInterval('P0Y0M0DT3H5M7.520S');
echo '<pre>';
'y' => 0,
'm' => 0,
'd' => 0,
'h' => 3,
'i' => 5,
's' => 7,
'f' => 0.52,
'weekday' => 0,
'weekday_behavior' => 0,
'first_last_day_of' => 0,
'invert' => 0,
'days' => false,
'special_type' => 0,
'special_amount' => 0,
'have_weekday_relative' => 0,
'have_special_relative' => 0,