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How to find the imporper data that cause ORA-01436

I have a query to see the parent and child hierarchical list of data. On running the below query i got the error ORA-01436.

SELECT ParentPropertyRSN, CONNECT_BY_ROOT PropertyRSN as PropertyRSN,
   LEVEL, SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH(ParentPropertyRSN, '/') Path
FROM Property
   CONNECT BY PRIOR PropertyRSN = ParentPropertyRSN
   order by level desc;

So I added NOCYCLE in the CONNECT BY clause and got the full list of data with its hierarchical path

Now what I need is a query to get the list of rows that have inaccurate data whih cause ORA-01436.


  • You should indeed use NOCYCLE to avoid the infinite loop. On top of that, you can use CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE to identify the offending row(s):

        CONNECT_BY_ROOT PropertyRSN as PropertyRSN,
        SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH(ParentPropertyRSN, '/') Path,
        CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE Has_Cycle
    FROM Property
    CONNECT BY NOCYCLE PRIOR PropertyRSN = ParentPropertyRSN
    ORDER BY level desc;

    From the documentation:

    The CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE pseudocolumn returns 1 if the current row has a child which is also its ancestor. Otherwise it returns 0.

    You can specify CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE only if you have specified the NOCYCLE parameter of the CONNECT BY clause. NOCYCLE enables Oracle to return the results of a query that would otherwise fail because of a CONNECT BY loop in the data.