In my homework application; I am required to create an application where I am also required to use a NotifyIcon.
I'm facing a problem where I cannot understand why the Code never reaches the Dispose Event.
I'm implementing "IDisposable"; (in order to be able to call Dispose on the NotifyIcon).
However, after adding a breakpoint in the dispose event; I can see that I cannot reach it.
I can't really understand the reason why it doesn't get there.
I'm currently following this thread to help me out with this control:
NotifyIcon remains in Tray even after application closing but disappears on Mouse Hover
Can anyone help me understanding the reason why this happens or what am I missing?
My Class Code:
private NotifyIcon trayIcon;
public void CreateTrayIcon()
if (trayIcon == null) { trayIcon = new NotifyIcon(); }
trayIcon.Text = "My Tray Application";
trayIcon.Icon = Properties.Resources.AppIcon;
trayIcon.Disposed += TrayIcon_Disposed;
trayIcon.Visible = true;
private void TrayIcon_Disposed(object sender, EventArgs e) // Unreacheable Code
if (trayIcon != null)
trayIcon.Visible = false;
trayIcon = null;
protected virtual void Dispose(bool Disposing)
if (Disposing)
public void Dispose()
And Call NotifyIcon Dispose on Main Form; Form_ClosingEvent
private void Form_closing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
I've found the problem.
The reason behind my problem; was literally distraction. I was assuming the FormClosing Event was subscribed, (honestly: I was sure I had it subscribed. I must have made some kind of roll back and removed it by mistake).
Solution: Just needed to check that the event was subscribed.