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Match exact string against an array / list - Ansible

The service_name variable prints the following.

"msg": [
    "BLAH PEX",
    "BLAH AEX non prod",
    "BLAH BIND",
    "BLAH DBFactory"

I want to match the variable BSA which contains the string BLAH BIND. I tried something like this:

- debug:
    msg: "Match found"
  when: "BSA in service_name"

It works! But the problem is, it also matches if the BSA contains the string BLAH. I want it to only match if there is a exact match. Right now its matching word by word I guess.

Expected Output: It should skip the debug task because when BSA contains the string BLAH, it should not match any strings in the service_name list.

Any help how to achieve to match the entire exact string in the array.

I am using ansible 2.7


  • Q: "Expected Output: It should skip the debug task because when BSA contains the string BLAH, it should not match any strings in the service_name list."

    A: It's working as expected. String "BLAH" doesn't match and the debug task is skipped.

    - hosts: localhost
        service_name: [ "BLAH PEX", "BLAH AEX non prod", "BLAH BIND", "BLAH DBFactory" ]
        BSA: "BLAH"
        - debug:
            var: service_name
        - debug:
            var: BSA
        - debug:
            msg: "Match found"
          when: "BSA in service_name"
        - debug:
            msg: "Continue"


    shell> ansible-playbook playbook.yml
    PLAY [localhost] ***
    TASK [debug] ***
    ok: [localhost] => {
        "service_name": [
            "BLAH PEX", 
            "BLAH AEX non prod", 
            "BLAH BIND", 
            "BLAH DBFactory"
    TASK [debug] ***
    ok: [localhost] => {
        "BSA": "BLAH"
    TASK [debug] ***
    skipping: [localhost]
    TASK [debug] ***
    ok: [localhost] => {
        "msg": "Continue"
    PLAY RECAP ***
    localhost: ok=3  changed=0  unreachable=0  failed=0  skipped=1  rescued=0  ignored=0


    No quotation is needed in the equivalent below play

    shell> cat pb.yml
    - hosts: localhost
        service_name: [BLAH PEX, BLAH AEX non prod, BLAH BIND, BLAH DBFactory]
        BSA: BLAH
        - debug:
            var: service_name
        - debug:
            var: BSA
        - debug:
            msg: Match found
          when: BSA in service_name
        - debug:
            msg: Continue

    and the callback community.general.yaml also needs no quotes to display YAML

    shell> ANSIBLE_STDOUT_CALLBACK=yaml ansible-playbook pb.yml
    PLAY [localhost] ****************************************************************************************************
    TASK [debug] ********************************************************************************************************
    ok: [localhost] => 
      - BLAH PEX
      - BLAH AEX non prod
      - BLAH BIND
      - BLAH DBFactory
    TASK [debug] ********************************************************************************************************
    ok: [localhost] => 
      BSA: BLAH
    TASK [debug] ********************************************************************************************************
    skipping: [localhost]
    TASK [debug] ********************************************************************************************************
    ok: [localhost] => 
      msg: Continue

    Hint: You can use ansible-lint to remove redundant quotations from the code. For example,

    shell> ansible-lint playbook.yml --fix