I'm building the WHERE clause of a JOOQ query. Some conditions use EXISTS, and I'd like to provide the sub-query as plain SQL, because they are long-winded expressed with JOOQ. eg.
select 1 from jsonb_array_elements(resource->'name') as t1,
jsonb_array_elements_text(t1.value->'given') as t2
where t2.value like ?
However DSL.exists() accepts only Select type as parameter, and no matter which DSL.select...() method I use, it will wrap my SQL snippet with another select.
And the query will be like:
... where exists (select * from (select 1 from ...
Is there a way to avoid the unneeded wrapper select?
You could use a plain SQL condition like this:
Condition condition = DSL.condition("exists (<your select here>)");