I am trying to add more typings to MongoDB query system.
I have an object
interface Person { name: string; age: number }
I want to create a query object that allows the operator $gt
only on the age
field because it is a number, not the name
{ age: { $gt: 21 } }
would be valid, but not { name: { $gt: 21 } }
Something like
type MongoConditions<T> = {
[P in keyof T]?: T[P] |
{ $gt: number }; // This condition should be allowed only if T[P] is a number
So this should be allowed
const condition: MongoConditions<Person> = {
age: { $gt: 21 },
name: 'foo'
But this should fail the compilation:
const condition3: MongoConditions<Person> = {
age: 21,
name: { $gt: 21 }
You can use conditional type to allow query operator only on "number" field:
type MongoConditions<T> = {
[P in keyof T]?: T[P] extends number ? (T[P] | { $gt: number }) : T[P];