I'm building a platform with Angular and I am using Auth0 to provide authentication. I used the demo code that Auth0 provides to implement it into my program. All works fine but I want to retrieve the user name and picture after they log in so I can display it. On the Auth0 website, I found this piece of code that I can implement. It works but when I want to call a specific item, let's say the name, it displays it with quotation marks "
<pre *ngIf="auth.userProfile$ | async as profile">
<code>{{ profile | json }}</code>
This code gives me this as output:
"iss": "http://YOUR_DOMAIN/",
"sub": "auth0|123456",
"aud": "YOUR_CLIENT_ID",
"exp": 1311281970,
"iat": 1311280970,
"name": "Jane Doe",
"given_name": "Jane",
"family_name": "Doe",
"gender": "female",
"birthdate": "0000-10-31",
"email": "janedoe@example.com",
"picture": "http://example.com/janedoe/me.jpg" }
The way it is written gives me a feeling that it is bad practice to get the information this way. I am interested in the name and picture and I need it to display without quotes. Can someone give me more insight on how to achieve this?
I cannot comment if this is a bad practice. But to remove the quotes, remove the json
pipe and access the properties directly.
<pre *ngIf="auth.userProfile$ | async as profile">
<code>{{ profile.name }}</code>
<code>{{ profile.picture }}</code>
The json
pipe is actually the opposite of what you need. It is used to convert a value into a stringified JSON format before displaying it.