Search code examples

oracle sql -not matter upper or lower in cursor

enter a domain name to search on the database, no matter the domain name is upper or lower, as long as the alpha is matching.

example. '' in the database, If I enter 'hOTmAIL.Com'. it still found the domain name ''.

cursor E_info is select Email_Address from broker
where REGEXP_LIKE (substr(Email_Address, instr(Email_Address,'@')+1), old_email);


  • You can do this without using regexp_like.


    select * from test where lower(substr(email_address,instr(email_address,'@')+1))=lower('');

    This will return the results faster as compared to regexp_like as you are doing exact match.


    create or replace procedure PR_Q3
    (old_email in varchar2, new_email in varchar2)
    authid current_user
    cursor E_info is select Email_Address from test where lower(substr(email_address,instr(email_address,'@')+1))=lower(old_email);
    v_email E_info%rowtype;
    open E_info;
    fetch E_info into v_email;
    exit when E_info%notfound;
    update test set 
    Email_Address = replace(Email_Address,substr(Email_Address,instr(Email_Address,'@')+1),new_email) 
    where Email_Address = v_email.Email_Address;
    end loop;
    close E_info;
    end PR_Q3;