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How-To get consecutive id with RavenDb default id generator

I'm evaluating RavenDB for a new project.

If i create 100 entities i got great consecutive ids like :

  • posts/1
  • posts/2
  • posts/3
  • ...
  • posts/100

But if i build a new DocumentStore instance (after App Restart) and try to create new entities i got strange ids like this :

  • posts/1025
  • posts/1026
  • posts/1027

Any help ?

Note : I'm using Embedded Server with ASP.NET MVC 3


  • This is by design - new HiLo keys are generated whenever you create a DocumentStore instance, so the gaps you are seeing are the unused ids from the other session.

    Why do you care for consecutive ids?

    This may be a good read on the subject, too: