I'm trying to figure out how I can access the pointer position of a mouse click from the event click. I've came up with something like
type State = { coords: Point list }
type Msg = Click of Point
let update (msg: Msg) (state: State) : State =
match msg with
| Click p -> { state with coords = p::state.coords }
let view (state: State) dispatch =
Canvas.create [
Canvas.onPointerPressed (fun event -> event.GetPosition ??? |> Click |> dispatch)
But that would require a handle to the control in place of ???, to which i have no access. Is there another way? Or a way the get a handle to the control?
Probably I'm missing something.
You can use the Source
Property on the PointerPressedEventArgs
(or any other RoutedEventArgs
) to obtain a reference to the firing Control.
let view (state: State) dispatch =
Canvas.create [
Canvas.background "white"
Canvas.onPointerPressed (fun event -> event.GetPosition (event.Source :?> IVisual) |> Click |> dispatch)
Canvas.children [
for point in state.coords do
yield Ellipse.create [
Ellipse.width 5.0
Ellipse.height 5.0
Ellipse.fill "red"
Ellipse.top (point.Y - 2.5)
Ellipse.left (point.X - 2.5)
Also note that you need to set the Background
Property of a Canvas
or you won't get PointerPressed
You also need to open the Avalonia.Controls.Shapes
namespace if you want to use the Example above (because of Ellipse