Is the following possible?
EDIT: Minimal working example:
#include <omp.h>
#include <stdio.h>
struct foo
int a;
int b;
int main(int argc, char ** argv)
struct foo outerFoo;
int * p = &outerFoo.a;
outerFoo.a = 1;
printf("outerFoo @ %p, a=%d\n", &outerFoo, outerFoo.a);
#pragma omp parallel private(outerFoo), shared(p)
printf("Thread %d: outerFoo @ %p, a=%d, p = %p,p->:%d\n",
&outerFoo, outerFoo.a,p,*p);
#pragma omp critical // i know i can use atomic here
return 0;
What you have written is certainly possible. Whether it does what you want is impossible for us to tell, since you haven't told us what that is!
I strongly suspect that it doesn't, since it will generate new, uninitialized instances of somestruct in each thread, and a shared pointer to the outer scope instance.
Consider this code which is effectively the same as yours, but compileable
#include <omp.h>
#include <cstdio>
class foo
int a;
int b;
foo() : a(0), b(1) {}
int main(int argc, char ** argv)
foo outerFoo;
int * p = &outerFoo.a;
outerFoo.a = 27;
printf("outerFoo @ %p, a=%d, b=%d\n", &outerFoo, outerFoo.a, outerFoo.b);
#pragma omp parallel private(outerFoo), shared(p)
printf("Thread %d: outerFoo @ %p, a=%d, b=%d, p = %p\n",
&outerFoo, outerFoo.a, outerFoo.b,p);
return 0;
It prints something like this
outerFoo @ 0x7fffffffd080, a=27, b=1
Thread 0: outerFoo @ 0x7fffffffcb80, a=0, b=1, p = 0x7fffffffd080
Thread 3: outerFoo @ 0x2aaaacf4fa80, a=0, b=1, p = 0x7fffffffd080
Thread 2: outerFoo @ 0x2aaaacb4da80, a=0, b=1, p = 0x7fffffffd080
Thread 1: outerFoo @ 0x2aaaac74ba00, a=0, b=1, p = 0x7fffffffd080
So you can see that happening. There is one outer instance of the class and four inner ones. All of them have all of the struct fields.