Given a known public IP address (e.g. elastic IP) how can I look up the resource ID of the EC2 instance associated with it, in Node?
My ultimate intention is to start/stop the EC2 instance associated with a given public IP address from Node running in another EC2 instance in the same AWS account. I presume that I first have to find the resource ID of the instance I want to start/stop so that I can then call ec2.startInstances()
with the resource ID, but at runtime I know only the public IP address of the instance to start/stop.
Use the describeAddresses
Node API. It will list your ElasticIPs and which InstanceID each is assigned to. You can call the startInstances()
from this.
For a non-elasticIP, you could perhaps add a startup script that causes the Instance to send its environment details somewhere you can store and reference instead?