I need to add a column on the 'Pages' modal in the Apostrophe CMS and potentially override the existing column titles (i.e. "Link" to something a little more intuitive). The closest thing I saw in the online documentation was here: https://docs.apostrophecms.org/apostrophe/reference/modules/apostrophe-pages#contextmenu
Though, when I paste the example code into my apostrophe-pages/index.js, I don't see any change anywhere in the CMS.
Hope someone can offer any insight!
The contextMenu
is the menu revealed by the button in the bottom left. It's named that because it (generally) reflects the context in which it's being used (e.g., "new-page" creates a new page as a child of the page you're on).
Generally for pieces you would want to look at the "Adding columns" documentation. However pages are special, so have their own "reorganize" view and accompanying JS to control the page tree structure.