We're having a problem with our test suite. When we run this using the test suite we get a 'The table is empty...' response from PHPUnit.
We know it works as we've also tested using Stripe's 'Send a web hook' test function which works, and the response is stored as expected.
Our code is here:
public function test_webhook_received()
$this->postJson('/stripeHook', [
'created' => 1326853478,
'livemode' => false,
'id' => 'evt_00000000000000',
'type' => 'account.external_account.created',
'object' => 'event',
'request' => NULL,
'pending_webhooks' => 1,
'api_version' => '2019-12-03',
'data' => [
'object' => [
'id' => 'ba_00000000000000',
'object' => 'bank_account',
'account' => 'acct_00000000000000',
'account_holder_name' => 'Jane Austin',
'account_holder_type' => 'individual',
'bank_name' => 'STRIPE TEST BANK',
'country' => 'US',
'currency' => 'gbp',
'fingerprint' => '8JXtPxqbdX5GnmYz',
'last4' => '6789',
'metadata' => [],
'routing_number' => '110000000',
'status' => 'new',
$this->assertDatabaseHas('stripe_webhooks', [
'stripe_created_at' => 1326853478,
'type' => 'account.external_account.created',
The response received is:
Failed asserting that a row in the table [stripe_webhooks] matches the attributes { "stripe_created_at": 1326853478, "type": "account.external_account.created" }.
The table is empty..
If we remove the
tests succeed. Obviously the expectsJob() call should be where it is though.
ExpectsJob also intercepts the job. Much like expectsException. Judging from your clean naming convention "StoreStripe..." - I'd say it's really not storing under these test circumstances.
You'll need to test separately that your endpoint/controller is queuing a job... and that the job is storing the data. 2 tests.