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How to display the data on list(tableView) for iPhone and grid(collectionView) for iPad

I have a code assessment and never think about to something like this; I have to display the data retrieved from an API in two different layouts :

  • For iPad; only in landscape mode and in a grid. I will do it with a UIcollectionView

  • For iPhone; only in portrait mode and in a list. I will do it with a UItableView or StackView.

The problem is how to implement the logic that populates the collection view or the table view from the view controller. I think I have to use the UITraitCollection but I know if its the better option.

Someone can help me? Thanks


  • You can get the device from this method

    // 1. request an UITraitCollection instance

      let deviceIdiom = UIScreen.main.traitCollection.userInterfaceIdiom

    // 2. check the idiom

      switch (deviceIdiom) {
     case .pad:
        print("iPad style UI")
     case .phone:
        print("iPhone and iPod touch style UI")
     case .tv: 
       print("tvOS style UI")
        print("Unspecified UI idiom")

    And For Orientation use this method:-

    struct Orientation {
    // indicate current device is in the LandScape orientation
      static var isLandscape: Bool {
        get {
            return UIDevice.current.orientation.isValidInterfaceOrientation
                ? UIDevice.current.orientation.isLandscape
                : UIApplication.shared.statusBarOrientation.isLandscape
    // indicate current device is in the Portrait orientation
      static var isPortrait: Bool {
        get {
            return UIDevice.current.orientation.isValidInterfaceOrientation
                ? UIDevice.current.orientation.isPortrait
                : UIApplication.shared.statusBarOrientation.isPortrait