I have Three data frames : london_working_hours
, asian_london_table
which have a column common who correspond to the borough name.
I would like to get the borough name which have the highest working value then get the population and the earning per hour of this borough
print("The highest borough in working hours , asian population and earning per hour is : ???")
this code gives me this result
The last print should give me the Borough name which have the highest working hours with asian population and earning per hour how can I do that??
Edit :
You can find in the comment the link to my github for more details
I think you want to do this :
most_working_borough = london_working_hours.sort_values(by='Working Hours%', ascending=False).Boroughs.tolist()[0]
population = asian_london_table.loc[asian_london_table['Area'] == most_working_borough].Area.tolist()[0]
earning = london_table_earning.loc[london_table_earning['Area'] == most_working_borough].Area.tolist()[0]