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Table for complaint storage statuses?

I am trying to download SAP QPRS table to get a list of [Physical sample , Material number, batch & Physical sample status (sample was stored & sample exist)]. I am using SAP .Net Connector to call the function module RFC_READ_TABLE to read the table QPRS.

But I cannot find the screen fields RQPRS-PRNVX and RQPRS-AUFBX that are related to physical sample status. Is it a structure, if so, how can I use RFC_READ_TABLE function module to ready these data.

I know I can use function modules to get physical sample status, but this is done material by material, which is very slow. I now to get whole table contact once to make it faster.

NB. Data needed is into SAP Tcode QPR3, in "Sample Storage" tab:

enter image description here


  • The flags are stored as statuses in the table JEST:

    • Sample Was Stored: status I0363 (short code in Status History: "STRD")
    • Sample Consumed/Destroyed: status I0362 (short code in Status History: "USED")

    The table JEST has 3 important columns:

    • OBJNR: "QP" followed with the sample number (12 digits, right-aligned, padded with zeroes on the left)
    • STAT: status
    • INACT: " " means that the status is set, "X" means that the status is not set