I have a query where I would like to find Booking
records that have more than 1500 minutes between when they were inserted and when the booking starts.
The idea is this:
booking.start - booking.inserted_at > 1500 minutes
The number of minutes may vary, so this is a variable (type integer). Currently I am trying this:
# this will be a dynamic integer
mins_diff = 1500
from(b in Booking)
|> where(
fragment("? - ? > interval '? minutes'", b.start, b.inserted_at, ^mins_diff)
|> Repo.all()
But it is throwing errors saying:
** (ArgumentError) parameters must be of length 1 for query %Postgrex.Query{}
# rest of error truncated (because it is massive)
This is weird, but I can confirm the parameter is not handled correctly by Ecto.Query.API.fragment/1
if passed that way.
Here is a workaround.
from b in Booking,
where: fragment(
"? - ? > ? * interval '1 minute'",