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Custom action using custom command class and dialog in magnolia

I would like to have a custom action on the pages app that opens up a dialog with one field for a comment and two actions, namely cancel and commit. The commit action calls the custom ExportToGitCommand class.

I defined a custom action definition and class action for the pages app in magnolia:

public class ExportToGitCommandAction extends AbstractCommandAction<ExportToGitCommandActionDefinition>{

    public ExportToGitCommandAction(ExportToGitCommandActionDefinition definition, JcrItemAdapter item,
            CommandsManager commandsManager, UiContext uiContext, SimpleTranslator i18n) {
        super(definition, item, commandsManager, uiContext, i18n);
        // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub

    public ExportToGitCommandAction(ExportToGitCommandActionDefinition definition, List<JcrItemAdapter> items,
            CommandsManager commandsManager, UiContext uiContext, SimpleTranslator i18n) {
        super(definition, items, commandsManager, uiContext, i18n);
        // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub

In the Config app I defined myAction:

      class ->
      command -> /modules/xxx-module-versioning/commands/versioning/gitexport
      dialogName -> /modules/xxx-module-versioning/dialogs/saveversion

The constructor in ExportToGitCommandActiongets invoked but the dialog and command from myAction are not. What methods do I need to implement so that the myAction:

  1. opens a dialog
  2. executes the custom command

The custom command gitexport code is:

public class ExportToGitCommand extends BaseRepositoryCommand {

  public boolean execute(Context context) throws Exception {
  //custom code here

Part of the solution

Under the pages app I created an action using the following configuration:

     class ->i nfo.magnolia.ui.framework.action.OpenCreateDialogActionDefinition
     dialogName -> xxx-module-versioning:gitexport
     icon -> icon-i-beacon
     label -> MyAction

Under the xxx-module-versioning app I configured the dialog:



  • This is a possible solution that worked. In the magnolia pages app in magnolia configuration configure a custom action: enter image description here

    In the respective module defined under dialogName define the dialog: enter image description here

    The custom class extends CommandActionDefinition:

    public class ExportToGitCommandActionDefinition extends CommandActionDefinition{
        public ExportToGitCommandActionDefinition() {