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MyRocks Compilation Issue

The error is

my_compress.c:542: undefined reference to `LZ4F_resetDecompressionContext'

My os is centos 7.7.1908 and I have installed lz4 by yum install -y lz4-devel. The install directory is as follows:

work@ost:~/workspace/mysql-5.6/bld $ ls /usr/lib64/liblz*
/usr/lib64/  /usr/lib64/  /usr/lib64/  /usr/lib64/  /usr/lib64/

work@ost:~/workspace/mysql-5.6/bld $ ls /usr/include/lz4*
/usr/include/lz4frame.h  /usr/include/lz4.h  /usr/include/lz4hc.h


  • I find the answer. The version of lz4 is too old. Please see it here(