currently I am building a monitoring in Azure with log queries in diagrams. This is working fine so far, but I have a problem. If I want to display the zero values in a diagram I get problems. When I query for Count I only get values that contain data.
I have tried the following to output the zero values:
| where name == "GlobalHostHandleMessageError" and tolower(customDimensions.MessageType) in ("listmanager")
| where customDimensions.DeliveryCount == "10"
| project MessageType = customDimensions.MessageType, timestamp
| summarize SumMessages=count() by tostring(MessageType), timestamp
| make-series count() default=0 on timestamp in range(ago(1d), now(), 1h) by MessageType
| mvexpand timestamp, count_
Unfortunately I can't display a chart after the "make-series" command. The following error is displayed:
The Pie can't be created as you are missing a column of one of the following types: int, long, decimal or real
Can anyone help me with this?
Regards and thanks in advance
The output for mvexpand is always a dynamically typed column. Try changing the last line to:
mvexpand timestamp, tolong(count_)