I changed the way my code is and now my paddles stopped moving. Anyone know why? Ignore the ball, for now, I haven't finished coding that yet. Before I changed my code, I didn't define my shapes I just drew them. Now that I defined them nothing will move. I only included relevant code.
rectY1 = 240
rectY2 = 240
Y1change = 0
Y2change = 0
ballX = 320
ballY = 240
ballXvel = 0
ballYvel = 0
paddle1 = pygame.Rect(18,rectY1,10,120)
paddle2 = pygame.Rect(620,rectY2,10,120)
ball = pygame.Rect(ballX,ballY,30,30)
def drawshapes():
pygame.draw.rect(DISPLAY, WHITE, paddle1)
pygame.draw.rect(DISPLAY, WHITE, paddle2)
pygame.draw.rect(DISPLAY, WHITE, ball)
DISPLAY = pygame.display.set_mode((640,480),0,32)
while True:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type==QUIT:
if event.type == KEYDOWN :
if event.key == K_SPACE :
ballXvel += 10
ballYvel += 10
keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()
Y1change = 0
Y2change = 0
#make paddles move
if keys[K_UP]:
Y2change -= 10
if keys[K_DOWN]:
Y2change += 10
if keys[ord('w')]:
Y1change -= 10
if keys[ord('s')]:
Y1change += 10
#stop paddles at edges
if rectY1 < 5 :
rectY1 = 5
if rectY1 > 355 :
rectY1 = 355
if rectY2 < 5 :
rectY2 = 5
if rectY2 > 355 :
rectY2 = 355
ballX += ballXvel
ballY += ballYvel
rectY1 += Y1change
rectY2 += Y2change
The code never updates the Paddle rect
. Sure rectY1
and rectY2
are updated, but this is never applied to paddle1
and paddle2
Before drawshapes()
, apply the changes to the paddle rects:
rectY1 += Y1change
rectY2 += Y2change
paddle1.y = rectY1 # <-- HERE - Update the paddle's rect
paddle2.y = rectY2 # which is used to draw it
But I think your code would be simpler if it tracked the changes directly on the paddle1.x
and paddle1.y