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Create list of data.frames with specific rows from list of data.frames

I have a number of data.frames stored in a list (list1) and would like to create a new list (list2) with data.frames where the first contains all the first rows of the data.frames in list1, second contains all the second rows etc. Here is an example:

df1 <- data.frame(,3),,3))
df2 <- data.frame(,3),,3))

list1 <- list(df1,df2)

  a  b
1 92 84
2 93 64
3 29 51

  a   b
1 74  71
2 14  46
3 65 100

From that I would like to create list 2 that should be as follows:

  a  b
1 92 84
2 74  71

  a   b
1 93 64
2 14  46

  a   b
1 29 51
2 65 100

What would be an efficient way to do this in R?


  • If all have the same number of rows

    nr <- nrow(list1[[1]])
    lapply(seq_len(nr), function(i), lapply(list1, function(x) x[i,])))

    Another option is to bind it to a single data.frame, create a sequence by group and split which would take care of lists with unequal number of rows

    bind_rows(list1, .id = 'grp') %>%
        mutate(rn = rowid(grp)) %>%
       {split(.[c('a', 'b')], .$rn)}