I'm not asking why the following differenceInDays
is wrong.
After figuring that out I kind of kicked myself.
But I wonder what's the right fix.
* differenceInDays - return the difference in days between 2 dates.
* Since `moment.duration.asDays` can return a non-integral value
* (i.e. 36 hours == 1.5 days) each date is first adjusted to the
* start of day before the difference is determined.
const differenceInDays = (date1, date2, timezone) => {
const localStartOfDay1 = moment(date1)
const localStartOfDay2 = moment(date2)
return moment.duration(localStartOfDay2.diff(localStartOfDay1)).asDays();
Expected value to equal:
The result might not be integral if DST transition or a leap adjustment happens between date1
and date2
One fix could be to just round the result.