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Load data.json file for nunjucks with webpack

I'm looking for the similar way to inject data.json file for my nunjucks template with webpack. With gulp would look something like this:

gulp.task('nunjucks', function(done) {
    return gulp.src(paths.src.templates + '/*.njk')
        .pipe(data(function() {
            return require('./data.json') 
            path: paths.src.templates,
            envOptions: {
                lstripBlocks: true,
                autoescape: true,
                trimBlocks: true

Any idea? I'm also using laravel-mix is that helps.

I thought I can do this, but didn't work:

    module: {
        rules: [{
            test: '/data.json',
            loader: 'json-loader',
            exclude: '/node_modules/'


  • You can use simple-nunjucks-loader (I'm the author of it). Docs got example of integrating with html-webpack-plugin (for HTML files output) and passing data to it

    var HTMLWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin');
    var templateParameters = require('./data.json');
    var htmlFiles = require('glob').sync(paths.src.templates + '/*.njk').map((file) => (
      new HTMLWebpackPlugin({
        template: file,
        filename: file.replace('.njk', '.html'),
        templateParameters: templateParameters
      module: {
        rules: [
            test: /\.njk$/,
            use: [
                loader: 'simple-nunjucks-loader'
      plugins: [ 