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How to use FileHelper library to get number of delimiters

Using the FileHelper Library Is there a way to get an exception if the record does not have expected number of delimiters in a line?

And another question is there is there a way to get an exception if a particular field for example Name is more than expected length?

If i set name to be maxLength 30 i get an exception if its is above 30.

Or a field is simply not equal to expected length?


  • get an exception if the record does not have expected number of delimiters in a line

    It is the Default FileHelpers behavior to throw exceptions if there are not enough/too many fields in the line, so there is no need to do anything special to get it:

    public class Test
        public int SomeInt { get; set; }
        public string SomeString { get; set; }
        public int SomeInt1 { get; set; }
        public override string ToString() =>
            $"{SomeInt} - {SomeString} - {SomeInt1}";
    var result = new FileHelperEngine<Test>()
        .ReadString(@"123,That's the string")

    Will result in

    FileHelpers.FileHelpersException: Line: 1 Column: 4. Delimiter ',' not found after field 'k__BackingField' (the record has less fields, the delimiter is wrong or the next field must be marked as optional). at FileHelpers.DelimitedField.BasicExtractString(LineInfo line) at FileHelpers.DelimitedField.ExtractFieldString(LineInfo line) at FileHelpers.FieldBase.ExtractFieldValue(LineInfo line) at FileHelpers.RecordOperations.StringToRecord(Object record, LineInfo line, Object[] values) at FileHelpers.FileHelperEngine`1.ReadStreamAsList(TextReader reader, Int32 maxRecords, DataTable dt)

    is there a way to get an exception if a particular field for example Name is more than expected length

    As far as I can see FileHelpers doesn't support standard DataAnnotations out of the box (or it can actually support it but it doesn't work due to, so you will probably have to add validation manually

    So, you install

    And then by adding [StringLength(maximumLength: 5)] to the SomeString property on the model

    public class Test
        public int SomeInt { get; set; }
        [StringLength(maximumLength: 5)]
        public string SomeString { get; set; }
        public int SomeInt1 { get; set; }
        public override string ToString() =>
            $"{SomeInt} - {SomeString} - {SomeInt1}";


    var result = new FileHelperEngine<Test>()
        .ReadString(@"123,That's the string, 456")
    var context = new ValidationContext(result, serviceProvider: null, items: null);
    var results = new List<ValidationResult>();
    var isValid = Validator.TryValidateObject(result, context, results, validateAllProperties: true);
    if (!isValid)
        Console.WriteLine("Not valid");
        foreach (var validationResult in results)

    You will get the following output

    Not valid

    The field SomeString must be a string with a maximum length of 5.