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SQL TableView with Filters, Export and Pagination

I dont intend to offend anyone so I'll not call me neither a programmer or a dev..its more like a code-ctlr+c-ctrl+v.

I took a github open source platform - owsa - and im trying to implement it as a simple inventory management system.

I already achieved the easiest part.. connect a db, create and change a bunch of categories and i can present my products table and here his the main problem - for now.

After a week of searching and trying a lot of different solutions - php grid like apps, angular and other javascript solutions I cant find a way to simple present my data with filters over each column, pages, export to excel or pdf and with CRUD actions.

What would you guys would recommend to a simple - kind of - solution ?

I can share code if needed.


  • I would highly recommend you to look into DataTables, there's a free (and paid/pro) jQuery extension for it that's compatible and it's quite basic, but it's an overpowered library with a ton of features.

    It takes care of pagination, searching, filtering, sorting, showing ascending/descending by column, it's responsive for mobile and smaller displays, etc...

    It has a low barrier of entry, as it's easy to get started with it. You could get lost with the ton of customization available once you get in their documentation and forums, but I'm sure it will cover all of your needs and even more (such as an easily available print/pdf/csv export button)