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How do I set default SMB credentials at the user scope?

At work, we use Vagrant on Windows 10 with the Hyper-V provider and, necessarily, SMB synced folders. It gets kind of annoying typing our entire corporate domain username and password every time we up a box... is there any way to set default SMB credentials?

It needs to work with Vagrantfiles checked into source control and cloned onto any developer machine.


  • Vagrant loads multiple Vagrantfiles from different locations. One of those being a user Vagrantfile.


    But, the only username and _password like options, as of Vagrant 2.2.7, are provided directly on the synced_folder method.

    Something you can do in the meantime is pull defualt username and domain info from environment vars...


    # -*- mode: ruby -*-
    # vi: set ft=ruby :
    default_smb_username = ENV['USERNAME']
    default_smb_username = "#{ENV['USERNAME']}@#{ENV['USERDNSDOMAIN'].downcase}" if ENV['USERDNSDOMAIN']
    Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
      config.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant"
      config.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant", smb_username: default_smb_username if default_smb_username

    An issue has been opened asking for a solution.