I am looking into hosting a portfolio site with multiple Angular projects under a single Firebase project(eg https://aaaaa.firebaseapp.com/) . So say I have 3 angular apps (abc ,def and ghi). I will be displaying them on a single portfolio landing page and host on firebase.
eg https://aaaaa.firebaseapp.com/abc
How can this be done or is it even possible? Please suggest.
Firebase Hosting supports having multiple sites per project. You can then configure each site to be served under a path.
"hosting": [ {
"target": "blog", // "blog" is the applied target name for the Hosting site "myapp-blog"
"public": "blog/dist", // contents of this folder are deployed to the site "myapp-blog"
// ...
"target": "app", // "app" is the applied target name for the Hosting site "myapp-app"
"public": "app/dist", // contents of this folder are deployed to the site "myapp-app"
// ...
"rewrites": [...] // You can define specific Hosting configurations for each site