Running LocalizeAndMap i got the following error. There are no other animation events implemented (all commented out). I have also deleted previous app from Pepper and re-installed.
I have just updated to API 6.
public void startMapping() {
// Create a LocalizeAndMap action.
localizeAndMap = LocalizeAndMapBuilder.with(qiContext).build();
// Add an on status changed listener on the LocalizeAndMap action to know when the robot has mapped his environment.
localizeAndMap.addOnStatusChangedListener(status -> {
switch (status) {
Log.i(TAG, "Robot has mapped his environment.");
say( "Mapping done");
// Dump the ExplorationMap.
explorationMap = localizeAndMap.dumpMap();
// Cancel the LocalizeAndMap action.
Log.i(TAG, "Mapping...");
//say( "Boopity doop");
// Execute the LocalizeAndMap action asynchronously.
localizationAndMapping = localizeAndMap.async().run();
// Add a lambda to the action execution.
localizationAndMapping.thenConsume(future -> {
if (future.hasError()) {
Log.e(TAG, "LocalizeAndMap action finished with error.", future.getError());
} else if (future.isCancelled()) {
// The LocalizeAndMap action has been cancelled.
12-18 16:59:38.150 9330-9373/com.akqa.peppertest E/LocaliseManager: LocalizeAndMap action finished with error.
com.aldebaran.qi.QiException: Animation failed.
at com.aldebaran.qi.Future.qiFutureCallGet(Native Method)
at com.aldebaran.qi.Future.get(
at com.aldebaran.qi.Future.get(
at com.aldebaran.qi.Future.getError(
at com.akqa.peppertest.LocaliseManager.lambda$startMapping$1(
at com.akqa.peppertest.-$$Lambda$LocaliseManager$v5-1peqSlVfNY0haEaORatFr7rU.consume(lambda)
Since API 6 and Naoqi 2.9.4, you can check the charging flap status (opened or closed)
public boolean getFlapState() {
boolean flapState = chargingFlap.async().getState().getValue().getOpen();
Log.d(TAG, "getFlapState: Is opened ? :" + flapState);
return flapState;
Are you aware of this complete Navigation tutorial for Pepper?
The charging flap status is checked before every action.