I am new to coding and I am not being able to write a CSV file with the data I scraped from Reddit.
First, I scraped data using the pushshift API, which returned the results in a list format like the following image enter image description here
I want to write that data to a CVS file to run a content analysis in R. With each line (0000, 00001, etc) as a row. However, I have not been able to run a code that organizes each parameter in a column. For instance, I want the columns to be submissions.author, submissions.num_comments, submissions.title, to name a few.
I ran this piece of code but the results are not exactly what I'm looking for
import csv
with open('my_file.csv', 'w') as f:
writer = csv.writer(f)
with open('my_file.csv', 'w') as f:
for row in lastest_submissions:
row_text = ','.join(row) + '\n'
The outcome looks like this enter image description here
What I would like is that the name of the parameter is the header and the parameter answer is the content in each cell. For example, for parameter 'author':'bl00d', the header would be author and the content in the cell would be bl00d (for the line 0000).
I appreciate the help and hints I could get. Also, let me know if I should provide the complete code
In your case as you already have the data in the form of list of dictionaries I think you may wanna try using csv.Dictwriter()
A sample code piece:
import csv
lstdc = [{'name':'Jack', 'age': 26},
{'name':'John', 'age': 27},
{'name':'Lisa', 'age': 36},
{'name':'Adam', 'age': 16}]
fieldNames = list((lstdc[0]).keys())
with open('list_of_dict_to_csv.csv','w', newline='\n') as f:
writer = csv.DictWriter(f, fieldNames)
for val in lstdc:
you can replace the lstdc with latest_submissions and list_of_dict_to_csv.csv with my_file.csv
Replacing the iteration of list dictionaries with built in writerows()
with open('list_of_dict_to_csv.csv','w', newline='\n') as f:
writer = csv.DictWriter(f, fieldNames)
Hope this helps!