I'm trying to deploy my Angular (6) application on CloudFoundry. I want to map my app on a route like http://myapp.domain.com/mycontextpath , so WITH A PATH. To do so, I deploy my app (CF PUSH) using a yml file like:
buildpack: https://github.com/cloudfoundry/staticfile-buildpack.git
- name: myangularapp
- route: myapp.domain.com/mycontextpath
In fact, I try multiples things like building my app with or without --base-href parameter like.
ng build --prod --stats-json --base-href /mycontextpath/
ng build --prod --stats-json
I always have a 404 not found result. Everything is working well if I deploy app on a route wihtout path (and without angular --base-href). I also try to add Staticfile file with pushstate: enabled content but in that case, my index.html is always returned.
Thanks for help
Indeed, you need a contextpath folder in your final artifact, and the base-href option at build time. But if you want pushstate, you need some extra steps (see below)
So, the full answer would be :
1) Add base-href option to build command :
ng build --prod --base-href /mycontextpath/
2) Add an extra folder corresponding to mycontextpath (almost done from Angular 6):
"projects": {
"myangularapp": {
"architect": {
"build": {
"options": {
"outputPath": "dist/mycontextpath",
3) Set the route in your manifest file :
buildpack: https://github.com/cloudfoundry/staticfile-buildpack.git
- name: myangularapp
- route: myapp.domain.com/mycontextpath
4) Set your ./Staticfile with :
root: dist
location_include: includes/*.conf
5) Create your custom location config in ./nginx/conf/includes/push_state.conf :
location /mycontextpath/ {
if (!-e $request_filename) {
rewrite ^(.*)$ /mycontextpath/ break;
index index.html index.htm Default.htm;
6) Push dist folder instead of mycontextpath (that's because location_include property requires custom root). Here is the final structure pushed to CF :
7) Regarding static assets, be sure to use paths relative to base-href :
<img alt="unicorn" src="./assets/unicorn.png"/>