I am creating one app in xamarin cross platform with MVVM, I want to handle device back navigation so how can i handle it? please help me.
Well, that's quite simple actually just add a command in your VM and call that command from your View when you need to handle this event!
In your View
protected override bool OnBackButtonPressed()
var vm = (ViewModel)BindingContext;
if(vm.MyBackPressCommand.CanExecute()) // You can add parameters if any
MyBackPressCommand.Execute(); // You can add parameters if any
Also, define this in your ViewModel
public ICommand MyBackPressCommand { get; set; }
And also this needs to be initialized(constructor) like below:
MyBackPressCommand= new Xamarin.Forms.Command(()=>{});
You can use inheritance to make this globally available for all derived versions of your View/ViewModel