I using 4.4.0 datastax-java-driver. In my scenario, I have to provide contacts points as I am connecting to remote cluster. If I am doing so I am getting following error - Since you provided explicit contact points, the local DC must be explicitly set.
I also don't have option to provide this explicitly as I am connecting to different cluster on demand which can be in different data centre. I have found option to set DcInferringLoadBalancingPolicy to infer data centre But I am not sure how to set this in CqlSessionBuilder. Please help me with this.
You need be very careful with it - it's mostly for people who are building tools, such as IDEs, etc. For applications itself it's better to pass datacenter name explicitly - either via config file, or via Java system property.
In short it could be done as following:
ProgrammaticDriverConfigLoaderBuilder configBuilder =
DriverConfigLoader loader = configBuilder.endProfile().build();
CqlSessionBuilder clusterBuilder = CqlSession.builder()
CqlSession session = clusterBuilder.withConfigLoader(loader).build();