I am trying to retrive, count and group data från Azure AD Sign in logs in Log analytics.
The indata contains a lot of properties, but those I am interested in is ClientAppUsed and AppDisplayname The indata looks like this:
Object 1
⮡ ClientAppUsed : Browser
⮡ AppDisplayName: Azure AD
Object 2
⮡ ClientAppUsed : Browser
⮡ AppDisplayName: Office Client App
Object 3
⮡ ClientAppUsed : POP
⮡ AppDisplayName: Microsoft Exchange Online
I want to group the ClientAppUsed types together and count each occurance of AppDisplayName under these. Like this:
Group Browser
⮡ AppDisplayName: Azure AD
⮡ Count of Azure AD
⮡ AppDisplayName: Office Client app
⮡ Count of Office Client App
Group POP
⮡ AppDisplayName: Microsoft Exchange Online
⮡ Count of Microsoft Exchange Online
What I have managed to do is to count it with the below query, but I want them grouped together instead of showing each occurance of AppDisplayName as a single row:
SignInLogs | summerize count() by ClientAppUsed, AppDisplayName
Any help is appreciated!
it wasn't entirely clear what is the output schema you're interested in, but here are a few alternatives you can try (or, update your question with a clearer description of the expected output schema & content)
datatable(ClientAppUsed:string, AppDisplayName:string)
'Browser', 'Azure AD',
'Browser', 'Office Client App',
'POP', 'Microsoft Exchange Online',
| summarize count() by ClientAppUsed, AppDisplayName
| summarize make_bag(pack(AppDisplayName, count_)) by ClientAppUsed
datatable(ClientAppUsed:string, AppDisplayName:string)
'Browser', 'Azure AD',
'Browser', 'Office Client App',
'POP', 'Microsoft Exchange Online',
| summarize count() by ClientAppUsed, AppDisplayName
| summarize make_list(pack("AppDisplayName", AppDisplayName, "Count", count_)) by ClientAppUsed