I'm pushing a file to my FTP, and I have
file = open(home_path + '\\Desktop\\' + checkuser + ' Report.txt', 'rb')
session.storbinary('STOR file.txt', file)
This I believe copies the content from the file on my Desktop and creates a file file.txt
on the FTP;
I can't seem to be able to create a file name on the FTP that is the same as the one on my Desktop (or any desktop/user), something like
session.storbinary('STOR' + home_path + '\\Desktop\\' + checkuser + ' Report.txt', file)
Is there a way around this?
*PS: running
sys.stdout = open(home_path + '\\Desktop\\' + checkuser + ' Report.txt', 'a')
works just fine, it creates a file named currentuser Report.txt.
I'm not sure I understand you problem. But maybe you want to do this?
session.storbinary('STOR ' + checkuser + ' Report.txt', file)
(assuming the checkuser
value is a part of the filename)
And note the space after STOR
(which is missing in your code).