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Github Enterprise API - determine if a user is dormant?

Running Github Enterprise 2.18. Is there any way to determine via the API that a user is dormant? I don't see a specific call for it anywhere...


  • To answer your question....

    Running Github Enterprise 2.18. Is there any way to determine via the API that a user is dormant?

    No, it's not possible using GitHub API (Enterprise or not).

    GitHub has a strict privacy agreement for it's users. Since repositories can be public as well as private, you're out of luck getting dormancy info via their API.

    GitHub's own help page mentions it in their "Reports" section:

    If you need to get information on the users, organizations, and repositories in your GitHub Enterprise Server instance, you would ordinarily fetch JSON data through the GitHub API. Unfortunately, the API may not provide all of the data that you want and it requires a bit of technical expertise to use. The site admin dashboard offers a Reports section as an alternative, making it easy for you to download CSV reports with most of the information that you are likely to need for users, organizations, and repositories.

    Specifically, you can download CSV reports that list

    • all users
    • all users who have been active within the last month
    • all users who have been inactive for one month or more
    • all users whohave been suspended
    • all organizations
    • all repositories

    The help page also goes on to show examples on how to invoke the report data via CURL (you could do this with other methods as well, like in Powershell, which I prefer)

    curl -L -u username:password/token http(s)://hostname/stafftools/reports/dormant_users.csv

    You could make use of that data, without the API and parse it into your application. The world is your oyster.