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How to specify custom transitions for specific routes, not screens (v5)

Question regarding react-navigation v5.

In previous versions, we were able to specify custom transition for specific routes, not screens, by doing the following inside a StackNavigator:

      transitionConfig: () => ({
         screenInterpolator: sceneProps => {
         const {scenes, scene} = sceneProps;
         const prevRoute = scenes[0].route.routeName === 'Route A'; 
         // If prev route is A, and then current route is B, then we do a specific transition
         if (prevRoute && scene.route.routeName === 'Route B') { 
          return StackViewStyleInterpolator.forVertical(sceneProps);
         // Otherwise default to normal transition
         return StackViewStyleInterpolator.forHorizontal(sceneProps);

Now, I'm trying to achieve the same for react-navigation v5. I know I'm able to specify a custom animation per screen by doing something like:

<Stack.Screen name="Route B" component={RouteB} options={{ cardStyleInterpolator: CardStyleInterpolators.forVerticalIOS }} />

The problem is that I don't want this transition applied every time it is navigated to RouteB, ONLY when the previous route is RouteA, I want this transition applied, just like the previous code block above.

Couldn't find any example in the docs so would appreciate some help in migrating the code over to v5.


  • Something like this should work:

    options={({ navigation, route }) => {
      const state = navigation.dangerouslyGetState();
      const index = state.routes.indexOf(route);
      const previousRoute = state.routes[index - 1];
      if (previousRoute?.name === 'RouteA') {
        return {
          cardStyleInterpolator: CardStyleInterpolators.forVerticalIOS,
          gestureDirection: 'vertical',
      } else {
        return {};