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Variable length element sampling from list based on weights

I want to select some items from a list depending on a given weight for each element. The length of the output is not known. This needs to be done a lot of times.

So, say I have a list of [id, probability] like [[1, 0.2], [2, 0.3], [3, 0.45], [4, 0.05], [5,1.]], I want to get something like [[1,3,5], [5], [3,5], [5], [1,2,4,5], ...]

Here's my code to do so. It works, but it's pretty slow (the list is long, more than 10,000 elements of [id, probability], and my result is thousands of selection long). Do you know of any way to make this (much) faster?

import numpy as np

items  = [[1, 0.2], [2, 0.3], [3, 0.45], [4, 0.05], [5,1.]]

combinations = []
for n in range(1000):
    selection = []
    for i in items:
        chosen = np.random.choice([True, False], p=[i[1], 1.-i[1]])
        if chosen:


  • You can vectorize the sampling step as follows:

    import numpy as np
    # items  = [[1, 0.2], [2, 0.3], [3, 0.45], [4, 0.05], [5,1.]]
    items = [(i, np.random.rand()) for i in range(1000)]
    def sample_original(itms, n=1000):
      combinations = []
      for n in range(n):
          selection = []
          for i in items:
              chosen = np.random.choice([True, False], p=[i[1], 1.-i[1]])
              if chosen:
    def sample_numpy(itms, n=1000):
      elts, probs = np.array(itms).T
      m = len(elts)
      return [elts[np.random.rand(m) < probs] for _ in range(n)]

    The main observation is np.random.rand(m) < probs gives a random vector of True/False that selects elements of the original list with correct probabilities. This seems to be 1000x faster when there are 1000 items:

    %timeit sample_numpy(items)
    %timeit sample_original(items)
    10 loops, best of 3: 22.6 ms per loop
    1 loop, best of 3: 21.9 s per loop

    If the probabilities are relatively high (resulting selections are not sparse), you might want to store the selection indicators in a 2D array for further performance gains.