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How to sort an SQLite Table in Swift by Date object

I want to be able to either set a sorting condition for my SQLite Table or sort it every time a new entry is inserted.

The SQlite docs say to use query.order(expression)

Currently this is what I have:

class SQLiteData {
    var fileURL : URL
    var tasks : Table
    var titleDb : Expression<String>
    var descriptionDb : Expression<String>
    var dateDb : Expression<String>

    init() {
        tasks = Table("Tasks")
        titleDb = Expression<String>("Title")
        descriptionDb = Expression<String>("Description")
        dateDb = Expression<String>("Date")

but the line tasks.order(dateDb) doesn't seem to have any effect...

I also tried it in my uploadData function:

    func uploadData(_ title: String, _ description: String, _ date: String) {
        do {
            let db = try Connection(fileURL.path)

            try true) { t in
                t.column(titleDb, unique : true)

            let insert = tasks.insert(titleDb <- title,  descriptionDb <- description,
                                      dateDb <- date)
            _ = tasks.order(dateDb)

            let rowid = try


        catch {

but alas have not had any success doing this either. Any ideas how would I setup the table to always be sorted by dateDb? Thank you.


  • .order is not an attribute of the table. It is a feature of a query. The sortedTasks query below may be what you need.

    tasks = Table("Tasks")
     sortedTasks = Table("Tasks").order(dateDb)