This is a task for CTF preparation which can be found on .
The task is to calculate the sum of all even numbers - the sum of all uneven numbers.
I solved this but when sending the answer message to the server it doesn't respond with the flag.
But with nc 5002 a second message can be send. My code:
import socket
import re
#connection establishing
message = str(s.recv(3000))
#data processing
numbers= re.findall("\d+",message)
even_numbers = list()
for i in numbers:
answer = sum(even_numbers)-sum(uneven_numbers)
print("server says: " + message + "\n")
print("numberarray is: " + str(numbers) + "\n")
print("even numbers are: " + str(even_numbers) + "\n")
print("odd numbers are: " + str(uneven_numbers) + "\n")
print("sum of even - sum of odd: " + str(answer) + "\n")
#sending the answer as string to get the flag
print("flag is: " + str(s.recv(1024)))
At the end when I send the answer the server ignores it(?), because the last command should give me the flag as an answer in result of sending the answer previously.
What should I change so that the server can receive my second message?
I tried: timeout(?)
I lack of knowledge and I couldn't find an answer here.
Because the server application expects an Enter, I simply added this to my code:
s.sendall(bytes(str(answer) + "\n","utf-8"))
Then ther server responds normally with the flag.