I have tried to allow the Windows Update Servers in my Squid config file but i receive a error after restarting.
My Config:
acl windowsUpdates dstdomain windowsupdate.microsoft.com
acl windowsUpdates dstdom_regex .+\.windowsupdate\.microsoft\.com$
acl windowsUpdates dstdom_regex .+\.update\.microsoft\.com$
acl windowsUpdates dstdom_regex .+\.windowsupdate\.com$
acl windowsUpdates dstdomain download.microsoft.com
acl windowsUpdates dstdomain wustat.windows.com
acl windowsUpdates dstdomain ntservicepack.microsoft.com
acl windowsUpdates dstdomain go.microsoft.com
http_access allow windowsUpdates
The error i receive from "systemctl status squid.service"
Feb 05 10:18:37 (hidden) squid[22992]: Bungled /etc/squid/squid.acl.config line 2: acl windo
Feb 05 10:18:37 (hidden) squid[22998]: Bungled /etc/squid/squid.acl.config line 2: acl windo
Feb 05 10:18:37 (hidden) squid[22975]: * FATAL: Bungled /etc/squid/squid.acl.config line 2:
Why the dstdom_regex not work. ?
In one acl can only one type of selector dstdomain
or dstdom_regex
be set.
I have changed the name of the acl with type of dstdom_regex
to windowsUpdatesRE and it works.